Simple Tax Saving Tips

I don’t know about you but I’m pretty happy 2022 is coming to an end.  The housing & mortgage industry has been in a recession the entire year.  My forecast is that the US economy will hit a recession in 2023 so I wanted to share a couple ways you can save on your taxes […]

3 Steps To Buying A Home

Have you been repeatedly told by everyone that you need to buy a house to start growing your net worth? In this video, I’m going to give you three simple steps our current homebuyers are taking to analyze this housing market to get a home for less than it’s listed for. We’ll also find out […]

Should You Buy A House?

Are you wondering whether you should buy a house this year or wait until next year? In this video, I’m going to highlight the story of real-life clients of ours, Mr. and Mrs. Bates. We’ll find out what they did to prepare to buy a new house and how we saved them money on their […]

A Client Testimonial: Paul’s Story

Are you wondering whether you should buy a house now or wait until next year? In this video, we’re going to highlight a real-life case study of a first-time homebuyer right here in the Denver Metro. We’ll find out how Paul was able to use our Ultimate Homebuyer Experience and Competition Crusher to buy his […]

Get Your Mortgage Rate Quote!

I Want My Mortgage Rate Quote!